Killing Michael Jackson, inchiesta su NOVE: com’è morto davvero?

Dieci anni fa moriva Michael Jackson: NOVE ripercorre la tragica scomparsa della popstar con l’inchiesta Killing Michael Jackson, che porta alla luce nuovi dettagli…

killing michael jackson documentario nove
Michael Jackson – Getty Images

Il 25 giugno 2009 moriva Michael Jackson, ma lo stesso non si può dire del ricordo e della musica della popstar, che continuano a vivere a farsi sentire. Dopo aver mandato in onda in controverso documentario Leaving Neverland, NOVE dedica un’altra serata al Re del Pop col documentario Killing Michael Jackson.

Killing Michael Jackson: in ricordo del Re del Pop

Killing Michael Jackson è il documentario, prodotto da Zig Zag Productions, dedicato alle indagini sulla morte del Re del Pop, in onda questa sera su NOVE alle 21.25 in prima tv.

Il pomeriggio del 25 giugno 2009 il cuore di Michael Jackson, mito indiscusso della musica mondiale, si fermò per un’overdose di Propofol. Morì nella sua villa di Los Angeles. Ma ci sono diverse zone d’ombra sulla vicenda, che riguardano soprattutto la figura del suo medico curante, Conrad Murray. Ci fu negligenza da parte sua? Nel 2011 fu condannato a 4 anni di reclusione per omicidio colposo, ma nel 2013 è tornato libero dopo aver scontato metà della pena. O c’è addirittura dell’altro?

Il documentario si avvale delle testimonianze dei tre investigatori che hanno condotto le prime indagini sul caso: Orlando Martinez, Dan Myers e Scott Smith. Consultando i fascicoli e avvalendosi di immagini inedite, interviste esclusive e materiale d’archivio mai mostrato fino ad ora, Killing Michael Jackson cercherà di ricostruire i fatti e dare delle risposte fino ad ora mai raggiunte.


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Discovery Acquires ‘Killing Michael Jackson’ Do Ten years after the death of #MichaelJackson, Discovery Networks International has picked up a documentary exploring the circumstances around the the incident for a number of international territories. #KillingMichaelJackson – from U.K. TV banner Zig Zag Productions – was acquired by the TV giant for its channels in Italy, Germany and the Nordics. Discovery will also launch the film on its Quest Red channel in the U.K. The hour-long film features the three U.S. detectives who led the original investigation into the controversial singer’s death in 2009. Reunited onscreen for the first time since the trial of Doctor Conrad Murray – who was subsequently jailed for the involuntary manslaughter of Jackson – Orlando Martinez, Dan Myers and Scott Smith will re-examine the case a decade later and reveal to viewers the extraordinary detail of their investigation. The doc promises to show the detectives as they reopen their official Los Angeles Police Department case files and provide new revelations, fresh perspectives and exclusive audio-taped interviews with both Murray and witnesses. Killing Michael Jackson will also explore Jackson and Murray’s co-dependent relationship and examine the extent of Murray’s culpability over the death of the singer. It will also reveal in exhaustive detail the minutes running up to Jackson’s death, his actual passing and the immediate aftermath through the eyes of the detectives and eyewitnesses who have never told their story on TV. “We are delighted that this documentary has been picked up in territories across the world,” Matt Graff, managing director of Zig Zag Productions. “This film focuses on the intriguing circumstances surrounding Michael Jackson’s death giving audiences a fascinating insight into the final moments of the pop star’s life and the criminal process that lead to the arrest and conviction of Dr Conrad Murray.” #Filmmaking #Directing #Filmmakers #FilmmakersLife #Screenwriting #Actors #ActorsLife #Film #Directors #documentary #WomenInFilm #Screenwriters #Author #Hollywood #Movies #Love #DirectorLife #Instagood #TV #Television #IndieFilm #KingOfPop #behindthescenes

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